Chris Neumer and Steve Gursky Jr. return from their podcasting hiatus and discuss what’s happening now that the demo season is over, the tyranny of red light cameras, how to avoid paying tolls, old sports injuries and why the world is going to hell in a hand basket.  You haven’t ever heard Gursky Jr. this fired up, but the Illinois Department of Transportation has a funny way of getting under a man’s skin.


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This episode of the podcast was recorded live at Kosher Studios in Woodridge, Illinois (for more info, please visit:  As always, we want to thank our amazing sound engineer, Maura Scherrer, for her tireless and diligent work on this episode.

The Behind the Destruction podcast is sponsored by Driven Restorations in Randolph, Wisconsin.

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We will return next week for more demo derby news and commentary.  Thank you for listening.